
One blog after another over a period of years, there certainly get me busy during my leisure time.

While working on building websites, I also publish my written-content. Sharing noteworthy ideas and experiences to like-minded people.

Because all these blogs are for leisure, there are characterized with casual writing prose. And, there is no specific time-frame of completion.

Along the way of all these content-generations, I’m also constantly defining,  mapping, improving and formulating content that are more categorical and directional.

Beside having an amateur writing style, most of my posts are journal of events, documentation of information, random thoughts and topics are experimental. Generally, there are all about social and sharing.

Technically, I manage the social media accounts, content optimizing for search, web maintenance, troubleshooting, upgrading, simple code-editing, subscriptions and renewing of domains and web-space.

These works require a steep learning curve for a novice who has the minimal knowledge of computing engineering skill.

Literally, everything is self-taught!

A hobbyist blogging socially.

Free to visit:


Twitter: @ExploreTaiwan
Instagram: @ExploreTaiwan
Messenger: @ExploreTaiwanAsia

Thank you.